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Simple Mega Menu

  • I am using your simple mega menu and need a little help…I have the Destinations mega menu set to 5 columns and want to stack a couple of columns on top of each other. For instance, add North America (new) as one of the destination sub-menus and stack it on top of Central America (an existing destination sub-menu). I would possible repeat this with some of the other columns.

    Please let me know.


  • Hi there,

    It will require CSS, but it will not be an elegant way, and if you add or remove menu items in the future, the CSS might need to be adjusted.

    If you want to proceed, please add all the menu items you listed in your screenshot, then we can provide CSS based on that 🙂

    Let me know!

  • Ying:

    If that is the case, then I think I will try to find a plugin. Thanks for your response.

  • You are welcome 🙂

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