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Site icon disappears on desktop

  • The site icon is inserted on a custom header (element) and while it appears as expected on desktop / mobile, it disappears when on tablet.

  • Hi there,

    the logo block is in Flex container, and it has no width or basis to stop it from being “squeezed” into oblivion by other content in the flex container.

    Try adding this CSS to stop that:

    .wp-block-site-logo {
        flex: 1 0 60px;
  • That’s strange as this issue only appears on tablet and not desktop or mobile.

    The css stops that. However, on mobile this solutions now alters the position of the heading taking it further to the right as opposed to left just after the site icon.

  • Children of a flex container will resize themselves if necessary and able.
    Your logo container has no sizing so it will shrink if the other items in the container require more space, such as the ABC text bar does when the screen width reduces.
    When you reach mobile that ABC bar no longer takes up space in the same row as the image. So the image can grow again.

    Change the CSS property to: flex: 0 0 60px; That will stop it from changing position on mobile.

  • Thank you that worked 🙂

  • Glad to hear that

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