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Slider for mobile (block-based solution?)

  • I’m looking for a way to present grid columns as a slider on mobile. For instance, displaying a selection of hotel suggestions within a travel guide as a row on desktop but only showing 1 at a time on mobile.

    I understand that this is not an out-of-the-box feature. I’ve also seen Smart Slider 3 mentioned here. This plugin seems nice, but it requires making custom sliders with a custom post type every time, which isn’t quite what I have in mind.

    I’m looking for a solution that’s more integrated with Gutenberg. E.g. is it possible to generate a selection of hotels using dynamic data with Query Loop, but simply compress this into a slider view for mobile?

    Any hacks or other plugins that could achieve this?

    (I can’t remember where I saw this, but is this feature under consideration for a future GeneratePress release?)

  • Hi there,

    Unfortunately this would require an extensive custom solution – especially the mobile-only part as it would be an UI nightmare.

    If this is required for your build then I would say the best solution is to hide the desktop grid on mobile and manually construct a slider using a third-party plugin and hide it on desktop.

    I believe a slider feature is being considered but won’t be anytime soon and won’t have the “simply compress this into a slider view for mobile” part for sure.

    Hope this helps 🙂

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