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Sticky header jump/bounce at scroll to top of page

  • Hi,

    I’ve tweaked the spacing (padding/margin) on the header and sticky header and managed to produce a jump when the sticky disappears when you scroll to the top of the page.

    Can you point me in the right direction to remove the bounce effect as you hit the top of the page? I can’t work it out.


  • Hi Nick,

    Would you consider using navigation as header option? It’s at customizer > header.

    Give it a try and let me know if that works for you 🙂

  • Hi,

    I still need to resolve this issue.

    My header is using ‘navigation as header’. But on scrolling down and back up to the top of the page the removal of the sticky header and appearance of the normal header creates a not very slick vertical jump.

    I know I’ve edited spacing etc with the headers which must be introducing a difference in space as the sticky is removed.

    Scrolling with the mouse wheel you can see it. But its really pronounced if you drag the browser scroll bar up slowly.


  • Hi there,

    if you make CSS modifications to the #site-navigation you also need to apply it to the #sticky-placeholder element which is a JS generated clone that gets inserted when the nav goes to sticky.

    For example:

    #site-navigation, #sticky-placeholder {
        padding: 50px 60px 60px 60px;

    This will ensure the placeholder occupies the same space as the original nav.

  • Hi David,

    Thanks. I’ve updated that and it fixed most of it. I found a separate instance of styling on the sticky giving it different padding which also needed tweaking.


  • Yeah, any styling that would affect the height of that #site-navigation – like even a border line, can throw it out.

    Glad to be of help!

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