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Sticky Widget CSS

  • You need to remove that.

  • Hi,

    Is it possible to add about 100px padding to the bottom of the sidebar so it stops a little higher?


  • Not sure I understand what you are trying to achieve. If I understand it correctly, you just need to change the top:100px; to a smaller value, eg. 50px. this is the point from where the sticky elements stop scrolling.

  • Sorry, I’m not explaining very well..
    In tablet view, when you scroll to the very bottom of the page the sidebar overlaps the footer. (instead of stopping above it)
    This only happens in tablet view not on desktop.
    I wondered if there was a way of adding some space to prevent this from happening?

  • Can you link your site again? Once the topic being marked as resolved, all content in the private info field will be erased.

    Let me know ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Hi,

    Link below.


  • Have you noticed that your sidebar is blocking the post content?

    It’s because you have static width set for the container in your content, when the window shrinks, the container is still 800px wide.

    I do not recommend using static value for width or height, however, if you have to do so, you need to make sure the max-width is set to 100%, so that it won’t overflow on smaller screens.

    So please go edit the post, and remove all the width values including the ones set on desktop/tablet/mobile.

  • I dont see that issue on either tablet or mobile view?
    The sidebar displays below the content on mobile, and tablet view looks fine?

  • I could only find the issue if viewing desktop view on mobile.

    I’ve changed the values as you said, is it any better?

  • It’s correct now, the issue is gone ๐Ÿ™‚

    However, I’m not seeing the stick sidebar issue you described, this is what I see on iPad air:

  • Ok, thanks for your help.
    Sorry if it was a little long winded.. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • No problem, I’m glad you reopened the topic so I can see the overflow issue and help to correct it ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a great day!

  • marekkalina468

    Hi I have similar problem.

    I have added this CSS and the widget is sticky, but it is not sticky all the way down the article.
    this is the website:

    The widget will stop to be sticky on the last widget.

    @media (min-width: 769px) {
    .inside-right-sidebar {
    height: 100%;
    .sidebar #block-49 {
    position: sticky;
    top: 50px;

  • Hi there,

    can you raise a new topic, as your site is using the legacy CSS grid structure so we will need to advise on some options for making that work.

  • marekkalina468

    and how can I update to the new CSS grid structure?

  • Go to customizer > general, and check if the structure is being set to float or flexbox. If it’s float, change it to flexbox,

    If it doesn’t work, please open a new topic, thanks!

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