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style id “generate-style-inline-css” in head — where does it come from?

  • I’m finding it a little tricky to override the styles that are in the head element of my Generatepress site. Styles like

    .sticky-enabled .main-navigation.is_stuck {
        box-shadow: 0 2px 2px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);

    That one is on line 56 of the index, which when I look, are in a style tag with id generate-style-inline-css.
    Where do those come from? Sometimes I find them in the Customize settings so I can change them there. But if, for example, I don’t want a box-shadow on my sticky navigation, I have to override it with a more specific declaration in my child theme, because I can’t find any setting anywhere where I’ve set a box shadow on the sticky navigation.

    So I just want to know where they come from, so I can maybe find the spot where I can change the setting at the source, if you understand what I mean.

    Thanks! Loving this theme and GB pro. I’ve built wordpress themes from scratch using Roots/Sage for years now, but this is soooo much easier and much faster. The guys at Perfmatters recommended it.

  • Hi there,

    Where do those come from?

    It’s generated automatically from GP’s customizer settings, when sticky navigation is enabled, this CSS gets generated.

    You can not remove it as it’s added by the theme, but it can be easily overridden.

    For example, if you want to remove the boxshadow for the sticky nav, use this CSS:

    body.sticky-enabled .main-navigation.is_stuck {
        box-shadow: none;
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