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The punctuation marks are all in the middle of a sentence.

  • Hello,

    The punctuation marks are all in the middle of a sentence when I typed my own language. It seems very unusual, when I typed something in WORD or other platforms, it never caused something like this. Is it caused by WordPress or something else? Could you help me resolve this issue?

    I created different pages and it looks all like this. I provide my link below in the private information field.

    Screenshot link:

    Thanks & Regards,


  • Hi there,

    is this when you type text into the editor ? Or when you copy and paste text ?

  • Hi David,

    It happened when I typed text into the editor

  • I don’t believe this is theme related issue but let’s check.

    Does the issue occur with all plugins disabled except for GP Premium and GenerateBlocks?

    If yes then does the issue occur when using a Twenty series WP default theme?

  • Hello Leo,

    It seems causes by the specfic font from the “Google Fonts” plugin, when I change “Noto Sans TC” to other font, the issue has been disappeared. I have reached out to the plugin team.

    Thank you for you quickly response and the GeneratePress customer support is awesome!

  • No problem 🙂

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