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Tutorials for GB Pro 1.7?

  • Hi there,

    I am having great difficulties with the switch to the new pro version 1.7
    Are there any tutorials available?

    Thank you!

  • Hi there,

    Specifically, in which part of that are you facing difficulties?

  • I basically have problems with the completely new approach to the global styles.
    (I’m thinking about going back to the free version.)
    If there is someone somewhere who offers tutorials on GB Pro, I would find that helpful.

    Do you know anyone?

  • Hi there,

    we are in the process of creating tutorials for the new systems.
    In the meantime you can find some 3rd party tutorials here.
    The Admin Bar has a big collection of update videos:

    And some other offerings:

    In the meantime, if you’re already using the Legacy global styles there is no need for you to change to the newer system if you do not want to or need to. The old system will continue to work.

    If theres something specific you would like me to walk through i would be happy to do so.

  • Hi David,

    Thank you very much for your answer.
    Yes, I know The Admin Bar. They are good videos, but unfortunately always only small bites. What I am looking for is a specific step by step tutorial.

    What I really love in GB 1.7 is the new pattern library!
    But I can’t get along with the new global styles. (I write my css instructions rather in the style.css of the childtheme.)

    >> we are in the process of creating tutorials for the new systems.
    Then my question probably just came too early 😉 and i’ll wait a bit.

    Thanks for now

  • You’re welcome, and thank you for the great feedback!

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