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Unresolved problems with Birdeye Widget

  • As described in this earlier thread:

    They provided us with the following widget code:
    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”; async></script><div id=”bf-revz-widget-9876543219935183″ ></div>

    We followed the guidance provided in the topic above to create a dedicated wp-footer hook element to handle the script portion of the widget, and we embedded the div section with an HTML block on the development and production pages shown below in private information.

    Any insights on why this might not be working? The widget is at the bottom of the page.

  • Hi there,

    Have you checked with Birdeye’s support team first?

    If implemented correctly, the theme can’t interfere with the code and make it not work.

    It might also be a good idea to disable all other plugins and custom functions to eliminate conflicts from elsewhere.

    Hope this helps 🙂

  • I get that this has nothing to do with Generate Press or Generate Blocks, so I’m closing this. I will add a note here however when we figure this out.

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