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Video section

  • Hello,

    Is it possible to create a video section similar to the one on You need to scroll down on the home page to the “Increase revenue…affordably” section. There, you’ll find a YouTube video with a custom play button. When clicked, this button opens the YouTube video in a popup. Is it possible to achieve something similar for the YouTube video I’ve added to the homepage of my website? If so, how?

  • Hi,

    You will need to use a specific video plugin, not sure if Youtube video can be integrated.

    You need to do some research on this one.

  • Hello,

    Thank you. After some research, I believe this plugin will be suitable: Is it still possible to add a custom play button with the block editor over the video thumbnail to trigger the video popup? I’m unsure because the documentation I’ve read mentions that Gutenberg is not fully supported:

  • It will be a question for the plugin’s support, as we don’t know how to trigger the video to play, unfortunately.

  • Okay, thank you.

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