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What happens to global styles when removing GB Pro?

  • Hi there! I’ve been using GB Pro on a client website, but they’re not interested in a care plan so I’d like to remove my GB Pro license – they could get their own license, but curious what will happen if I just delete the plugin. We’re only using Advanced Backgrounds and some global styles for buttons, but I assume both of these things would go away if the Pro plugin is removed? If they get their own license, they can just swap my license key for theirs and all the setup will stay the same, right? Thanks a bunch!

  • Hi there,

    If you remove GB pro plugin then obviously none of the GB pro options will work.

    That being said, the plugin doesn’t need an active license key to work so you could just remove your license key and let your client continue to use the pro plugin.

    If they get their own license, they can just swap my license key for theirs and all the setup will stay the same, right?


    Hope this helps 🙂

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