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What is the best way to hide elements on specific devices on GeneratePress?

  • Hi, I’m hoping someone can help me with this.

    What is the best way to hide elements on specific devices when using GeneratePress?

    Is there a specific add-on or official plugin or anything, like Astra pro have?

    I tried adding custom CSS classes and using CSS, but there seems to some issue, where it’s only working if I add one class at a time, but not when adding multiple.

    Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,

  • Hi there,

    Just to confirm, are you referring to content created with the Elements module?

    Let me know 🙂

  • Sorry, I ended up figuring this out myself.

    I meant just stuff in general, but I discovered this, which worked perfectly:

    Using our hide-on-* classes

    To hide/show certain contents depending on devices, you can use the three handy built-in classes below:


  • Glad to hear 🙂

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