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Where to put my code for popup optin form

  • Hi

    I need to insert my popup opt-in form in my site. Can you tell me where I can put the code, please?

    Thank you!

  • Hi there,

    1. go to Appearance > Elements -> Add New –> Hook:

    2. set the Hook to: wp_footer

    3. set the Display Rules > Location to Entire Site or the pages you want to display it on.

    4. in the editor add your code.

    5. Publish the element

  • Hi David,
    Thank you for the reply. I’ve set up the option from as you suggested but it’s not working. Here is the domain of my site: Maybe you can take a look? Thank you again.

  • Hi again. I see it’s working, but it’s located in the footer, and it’s static. It’s a popup opt-in form that opens when the readers read the content.

  • Hi there,

    Can you elaborate on how you expect this popup to show up? Should it appear when the user opens the post content, or when the user scroll to a certain viewport?

  • Hi, I want the popup to open while the readers read the article. Not right away, though:)

  • The code you have for the pop up – where did it come from ?
    As that code i assumed would contain all that is required to make it popup

  • Hi David, it comes from Ewaber.

  • Can you share the code here ?

  • <div class=”AW-Form-808410087″></div>
    <script type=”text/javascript”>(function(d, s, id) {
    var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
    if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
    js = d.createElement(s); = id;
    js.src = “//”;
    fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
    }(document, “script”, “aweber-wjs-6ssabky3p”));

  • And did Ewebber state it would be a pop-up ? Or do you need to create the pop-up separately ?

  • No, it gives the option in the setting to create a popup within the option form.

  • then i assume the code should automatically work.
    Can you add the code to the site using the Element, set it one post, and then provide us a link – we can then check for any obvious errors.

  • Yes, I’ll set it up in the hook and send it to you.

  • I’ve set it up in the element, but I don’t see how I can copy the link to send it. The only option the theme gives me is from the element inside the site; I don’t have any URL. How can get the URL?

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