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Woocommerce, my account do not show addresses

  • Hi guys,
    In my account page created by woo commerce, it is supposed to install a menu, and the menus should have an option called my addresses but I do not see them. By any chance, do you know how can I activate that option?

    Addresses link should be between download and account details.

    I reinstalled woo commerce but the error is still there.

  • Hi there,

    The account page is coming from WooCommerce template so this wouldn’t be a theme related question.

    I would recommend Googling your question or checking with WooCommerce’ support team.

    Thanks for your understanding.

  • Okay, no problem.

    thanks Leo.

  • Hi Leo,
    I write you again because I noticed, the link is there, so WooCommerce plugin is working as expected, but the words in the addresses section are transparent. Do you know how can I make it the same size and color as the other letters in the menu on the left?

    It should be between downloads and account details.

    Thank you

  • Hi Leo, I noticed where is the error but I do not know how to modify it.

  • but the words in the addresses section are transparent.

    Can you disable all plugins except for GP Premium and WooCommerce to test?

    Make sure to temporarily remove all custom CSS as well.

  • Hi Leo,

    I am noticing the information I sent as a code, appeared on the panel on the right as links. You were not able to see what I meant. Here is an image of the code:

    As you can see there is a missing word. I discovered this when I clicked control+U on the page. I cannot modify the code from there.

    Usually, in other themes, there is an area where you can modify the code, but I could not find it in Generate Press. As you notice in the areas in red, I just need to add a word to this code, the name of that link, and everything will work.

    At least, I think it will.

    Thank you.

  • Hi there,

    the missing Address Edit label in the Woocommerce Account page looks to be a bug that appeared in Woocommerce 7.3. Any site language aside from US English is mistranslated into nothing.

    Try adding this PHP snippet to your site to add some text in there:

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_account_menu_items', 'custom_edit_address' );
    function custom_edit_address( $items ) {
        $items['edit-address'] = 'Address';
        return $items;
  • Hi David,

    You were right. I changed the language from English (Canada) to English (US) and it fixed itself. I opted for that option, it was easier and I will avoid future bugs. I spend days trying to solve it.

    Have a great day and thank you again.



  • Glad to be of help!

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