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WooCommerce Product Archive Layout

  • Trying to determine the best way to get my product archives to look something like this

    Even using the image left layout, the product pages are a mess, and the customizer doesn’t have the option to get the title aligned left, plus the price and button are below the image.

  • Hi Camberlion,

    That sort of layout needs custom code or a third party plugin which would be out of our scope.

    Basically, you need to change the structure through Hooks.

    You can probably try this snippet:

    add_action( 'woocommerce_shop_loop_item_title', function(){
        // Open wrapper
        echo '<div class="product-wrapper">';
    }, 9 );
    add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', function(){
        // close wrapper
        echo '</div>';
    }, 16 );

    Adding PHP:

    Then, you’ll need CSS to alter how it looks. It may be good to reach out to a developer regarding this as well.

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