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WP 6.5 style changes

  • After WP6.5 is installed there are changes to the style of lists nested within groups.

    I don’t care about that style change, I can always add CSS to fix it. The issue is that the style in the editor no longer matches the style on the front end, and that is pretty confusing.

  • Hi there,

    It’s not something we can control, WP’s new CSS is hard to override, !important has to be used in this case, try this CSS:

    body .entry-content ul {
        margin: 0 0 1.7em 3em !important;
  • How can it not be something you control?

    If I switch the default WordPress theme, this issue doesn’t exist.

    Why wouldn’t the styles of the editor match the front end styles? They match when using default 2024 theme where lists do not have margins in the editor or on the front end.

  • WP 2024 theme has this CSS in the editor which sets the ul and ol element padding-left to 10px.

    .editor-styles-wrapper ol, .editor-styles-wrapper ul {
        padding-left: var(--wp--preset--spacing--10);

    While GP does not add any CSS, the browser uses 40px padding-left by default. That’s why you see the list with padding on the left in the editor.

    As those are core blocks, the core should take care of its blocks, however, they only add the CSS to the theme, not to the block, this is the cause of the issue.

    You can add the CSS I provided to change the front end layout, or do you want to use PHP code to change the backend layout?

    Let me know 🙂

  • Ok thanks for the more detailed explanation. I’ll just use the CSS.

  • No problem 🙂

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