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Adding Optional Audio to Background Video

  • I have a video that plays as the background to the homepage, which I did by adopting code I found in the following documentation:

    Can you tell me if you know of a way to add a button that allows the user to unmute the video? It’s muted by default but my client would like users to be able to play the audio. This would ideally a button that floats over the video in one of the corners.

  • Hi there,

    Unfortunately, we are not aware of a solution for this.

    You may need to research to see if a plugin is available for this.

    If not then your best bet is likely to hire a developer using a service like Codeable (see bottom of this page) to create a custom solution for you:

    I hope this helps and thanks for your understanding.

  • I was able to figure out a solution. I added a button into the container that overlays the video, and then added a script to the custom HTML block.

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
        const video = document.querySelector('.am-background-video');
        const muteBtn = document.querySelector('.am-mute');
        muteBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
            if (video.muted) {
                video.muted = false;
                muteBtn.textContent = 'Mute';
            } else {
                video.muted = true;
                muteBtn.textContent = 'Unmute';
    <video loop muted autoplay poster="/wp-content/am-uploads/homepage-video.png" class="am-background-video">
        <source src="/wp-content/am-uploads/homepage-video.mp4" type="video/mp4">

    And then a little CSS:

    .am-mute {
    	cursor: pointer;

    Worked like a charm. Hope this is helpful.

    — Aaron

  • Thanks for sharing your solution!

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