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Center my blog content

  • I also went into Appearnce>>Widget>> and found this here and I was able to delete the “search” bar under right widget and published..that still didn’t do anything. I wonder how I can delete the entire right sidebar…

  • If you look right now, I tried to deactivate Elementor cmompletly and if you look at the oak tree article…the top page is still shifted to the LEFT (sideboard still there on the right – see image1)…but if you scroll down my content is shown again duplicately but this time sideboards are not there (it’s centered here in image2). I’m so confused if you can help….I really want to migrate away from Elementor over to GeneratePress / Generate Blocks but If I cannot figure this out I am sort of stuck with Elementor since I can’t figure out how to migrate

  • You do not have a sidebar for the post, the element you are using is a hook element, chang it to content template first.

  • AH, the element it was on was “page hero” and I changed it to “content template” and deactivated Elementor which made some changes towards a good result 🙂 see here.

    I still have issues with:
    1) Left Sidebar: why does there look like there’s a left sidebar now –
    a. how do I remove this left sidebar…and
    b. if I wanted to add stuff to the sidebar how would I do so? For example, before I had other relevant articles…I’m curious how to execute this within GP / Generateblocks
    2) Overlapping image above the fold.
    a. With Elementor off I’m confused why theres another image showing up . the Element I chose through GenerateBlocks only had 1 featured image…

    Thank you for your help, I’m hopeful we’re getting there and making progress!

  • Can you provide admin login as I’m still seeing the cached elementor template?

    Let me know!

  • Ok I just tried adding it to the private info

  • also I reactivated elementor which is why you still see the elementor template b/c my whole site is powered by elementor and when I deactivate the whole site looks terrible….I will deactivate Elementor when I fully migrate over to Generatepress / Generate blocks

  • I would recommend you create a staging site, usually, server companies offer this service for free.

    Then you can re-create your site using GP/GB without stressing about the liv site.

    I logged in and take a screenshot for you to fix the image issue, you can set the container of the image to z-index:1 which put the image on top of the shape.

  • Can you log in again? I’ve just deactivated Elementor and I tried to make the Z-index: 1 and it didn’t do anything to the article:

  • I’m contacting my server provider so they can help me with the staging site. If you can get back to me ASAP though so they I can reactivate elementor that would be helpful .

  • okay I’ve created a staging site – plz log in with the same username / pw in

    I’ve deactivated Elementor in there and had made the change you said z:index=1 in the Element and published it and you can still see a strange double image showing up here:

  • I see that the Elementor is reactivated.

    I can wait until you have the staging site set up 🙂

  • okay I’ve created a staging site – plz log in with the same username / pw in

    I’ve deactivated Elementor in there and had made the change you said z:index=1 in the Element and published it and you can still see a strange double image showing up here:

  • Great, now we are in business 🙂

    To disable the sidebars, go to customizer > layout > sidebars, and set no sidebar for single posts.

    What else do you need help with?

  • nice – I was able to get rid of the sidebars – THANK HYOU. What do you think about double image situation I have in my posts right now? How do I make it only 1?

  • and also do you know how I can add a shadow or border around my image? Thank you!

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