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color button when you click

  • Hi, I would like to change the color of all my buttons when I click on it (background) but I can’t find it anymore.
    + also the hover color for all the buttons
    help please?

  • Hi there,

    There is no setting to change the background color when the button is being clicked on.

    The hover options are under the Colors panel of the Buttons block:

    Let me know if this helps 🙂

  • There must be because the button changes color and becomes red. Can you please check and answer me?

  • Hi there,

    The background color when you click on the button is inheriting the hover color, so the color will follow whatever you set as the hover color.

  • ah ok. Thanks. I changed the color red into dark teal in customize everywhere there is a hover but it appears that I have to change it for each button. Is it normal?

  • When you set the button hover color in the customizer, that will apply globally throughout your site. If you want to have a different hover color for a particular button on the page, then you will set that at the block level under Color options.

  • It makes sense. How do I get to the color by default in my buttons because when I try in the color options, they become blank. I think that I personalized all of them in each page by error. What is the setting I must apply in color and hover for the background and the text so it refers to the customized colors please?

  • Sorry, I should have mentioned this earlier. In the case of GenerateBlocks, if you want to apply a specific color on a buttons throughout the page, you’ll need to create a Global Style for that. Set it up once, and you can apply it to any buttons.

    You can follow the steps outlined by David here on how to create Global Styles:

  • do you need the paid version for generate blocks to do that? Because I cannot find where to create a global style

  • Yes – global style is a pro feature:

  • thanks

  • thank you

  • You’re welcome!

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