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CTA-buttons don’t always work after just one click.

  • OK, so Tom discovered an issue on iOS where sticky elements of any kind mess with the browser window focus. For some sites this results in the issue you have. But not every site does it…. but at least we found what it is.

    Not sure of this will work but try this CSS for a sticky mobile header:

    @media(max-width: 768px) {
        .site-header {
            position: sticky;
            top: 0;
            z-index: 100000;

    But it may have the same issue

  • Hi David,

    Thanks for your messages. And thanks for helping me out. I really appreciate that.

    I tried your CSS in the customizer ‘extra css’ panel. Not so familiar with adding css. Not sure if I did it correctly.

    However, it works – in a sense that the CTA-button doesn’t have to be clicked twice. Tried this with the transition ‘shade’ on. Sometimes it is a bit buggy, i.e.: sometimes the sticky menu slides (randomly) under a block (more often not than it does though, but I rather not have that). It becomes more of a mess with the transition ‘slide’ on or no transition at all, I found out.

    Another big thing: the menu is not working properly at all. Unable to click on the menu. So, I would like to remove the added code, as it has many negative aspects.

    I’ve noticed two other things:

    – As I believe the design of the sticky menu changed:
    1. when scrolling you would only see my logo WITHOUT text before, now it also shows the text when scrolling (not sure if I want that, at least I want to have the possibility to change it myself, without breaking anything or adding custom code). Especially as I am getting a logo with different colors in it and would need to change the logo.

    2. I guess the size of the sticky menu has become larger now. A bit too big.

    So, the good news is: CTA-buttons work perfectly fine with the addes code. The rest: not so, in a sense that it’s worse.

    What do you advise me to do?

    Kind regards.

  • I updated the CSS above to add z-index value to bring i forward and fix the menu button not working.
    Can you try that ?

  • Tried it. Works perfecty fine now:

    – Buttons always work with first click
    – Menu works as desired

    Thanks alot, don’t know what you did – but it worked haha. Great support.


  • Awesome – glad to hear that!

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