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dynamic content feat img – update page needed before change feat img can be seen

  • studiohetzwarteschaap


    i’be made a few containers on a homepage. the backgrounds of those containers link to the specific underlying pages. i used the dynamic content show the feat image of that page, and to link the page.

    dynamic content page feat img

    However, if i change the featured image on the pages, i;ve noticed that the featured image will only change if i update the homepage.

    If i set up the same dynamic content for blog items (which is bitdifferent, as it’s a element type- content template-) the feat image will change immidiately.

    is this due to the fact that in the dynamic content, ive set the custom posts to be pages, and therefore, cannot show the new feat image without updating the situation on the homepage?

    thanks in advance!

  • Hi there,

    Any chance you can link us to the page in question?

    You can use the private information field.

    Please make sure all caching or optimization plugins are turned off.

    Let me know 🙂

  • studiohetzwarteschaap

    Yeah sure, thanks!

  • A question for you, why don’t you use a query loop block for that section?

    And for the featured image issue, if you can see the updated image in the customizer, but not on front end, it’s usually due to cache. I can see the updated image in customizer, so it’s likely you have cache enabled on your server level. Can you check with your host?

  • studiohetzwarteschaap

    i dont have acces to the clients host. The loop does work though, even with caching switched on on the site itself the images will immediately switch to the right image.

    2 reasons why the loop isnt going to do it for me.
    1- i cannot set the pages in the order that i want. i can select the pages by name, and i was hoping the selected order would be te order in which they would appear. thats not the case.

    if i add a sorting parameter i cannot use any of the options to get the order i want. i want to set the order as i did in the page selection. order by menu doesnt appear to work properly (comes close)

    2 – the names in the box are sometimes a bit long, causing an overlap on smaller screens. with a smaller title, not connected to the actual page title, i’m able to work around those long titles, and can make snappier titles for that box.

  • studiohetzwarteschaap

    on the page /loop
    i’ve set up the loop, below the single container rows.

  • Hi there,

    have you tested the page without any caching enabled ?

  • studiohetzwarteschaap

    well, as i mentioned in the above post, dont have acces to the clients host, so i havent tested it without server caching. caching on the website (plugin) was tested as disabled.

    that said, there is a difference in the loop, or the single container after updating feat image. loop updates, single container doesnt. if caching wad a real issue, wounldnt the loop ‘hang’ as wel?

    My only question remains; can i select pages in the order that i want (keep the order as selected in the parameter field where i select the pages?) if so, i could use the loop.

  • My only question remains; can i select pages in the order that i want (keep the order as selected in the parameter field where i select the pages?)

    Check this:

  • studiohetzwarteschaap

    its confusing which option i should use. i dont want anything asc or desc, but only the page id numers in a specific order.

    My page id’s are : 25, 32, 21,24, 609, 28 (in this order)

    which option is applicable for my situation then? To me it seems that numeric value should do the trick.

    if i paste the code in my functions, and fill in those page numbers in the bottom query args line… the loop just disappears (probbaly because the criteria aren’t met).

    Are you actually loggin in to the website to take a look, or are you giving me generic answers? 🙂

    this is what i have now…

    step a prio

    step b functions code

    step c in loop; page id's

  • If those are pages, you can use the menu order which is built in in WP for pages.

    In the query loop, set order by to menu order, then order it in ASC or DESC.

    In this way, no code is required.

  • studiohetzwarteschaap

    As I stated in an earlier reply;

    order by menu doesnt appear to work properly (comes close)

    before answering, could you please read my comments? I allready told that the sort by menu option doesn’t work.

    Now I ask more info about the code solution, and you avoid my question with a new question which was allready ruled out as a valid option.

    So, were going in circles, which is taking time and efford on both sides.

    I’m getting the feeling that the objectieve (closing this ticket) is now Done by Reading a single line, and the throw a generic answer at me? Please dont!

  • order by menu doesnt appear to work properly (comes close)

    I am aware of this as you mentioned before, but I don’t think that’s possible.

    Can you do so then I can check why it’s not working?

    Please be noted, I am not giving you the generic answer, but the simplest answer for you, as you do not know how to modify the PHP code for ordering query loop by custom field values, I assume you do not know how to create custom fields either. So that option is too complicated for you.

    And please disable all cache during development stage, we are dealing with issues everyday, but lost of them are due to cache.

  • studiohetzwarteschaap

    So why give me this answer then?!

    “In the query loop, set order by to menu order, then order it in ASC or DESC.

    In this way, no code is required.“

    If you dont think its possible? Or is that statement regarding the code method??

    I’m not trying to pull custom fields, but titles (which isnt a custom field, right) and images.

    I know how to make custom field, and pull them in a dynamic displayed field.

    I dont know how to write custom php, but when i asked about the code method, i got another option (which wasnt working for me)

    So basilically your answers are confusing and now also time consuming.

    Did you log in the site, en went to the /loop page to see the order, and the loop below it?

  • studiohetzwarteschaap

    The more I read the comments, the bigger the confusion gets.

    Im lost now.

  • I checked all the pages on your homepage, none of them has the menu order set, all of them are using default number 0. How do you think the menu order would work when all the pages’ menu order value are 0?

    And have you checked the screenshot?

    If you dont think its possible? Or is that statement regarding the code method??

    I just noticed those are pages not posts when I wrote this reply. Only pages have this option.

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