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dynamic content feat img – update page needed before change feat img can be seen

  • studiohetzwarteschaap

    I just asked twice allready to go to the /loop page. (deleted now)

    there is a loop. NOT ON THE HOMEPAGE, SO WHY GO TO THE HOMEPAGE????????


  • studiohetzwarteschaap

    it’s not about posts, but pages…so yeah…

    Nevermind, i;ll close this frustrating ticket.

  • studiohetzwarteschaap

    i;ll close it.

  • there is a loop. NOT ON THE HOMEPAGE, SO WHY GO TO THE HOMEPAGE????????

    Are those pages on homepage the same as the pages on loop page? If so, then what are the differences?

    As I said, all those pages have no menu order set, I don’t know why you would say the menu order doesn’t work since you never set any menu orders!

  • studiohetzwarteschaap

    you said;

    I checked all the pages on your homepage,

    so i was wondering why you went to the homepage while we were talking about the loop, which isnt there…

    so thats how you’re confusing me with mixed signals.

    Its fixed now, the loop menu order works when the menu order is set in the pages – quick settings, alter menu ordernumber.

  • Its fixed now, the loop menu order works when the menu order is set in the pages – quick settings, alter menu ordernumber.

    Yes. Glad to hear that!

  • studiohetzwarteschaap

    yeah, me2.
    so now if i use custom fields for the shorter page titles, i’m also able to keep the real title on the page, and get the custom page title in the loopy container.


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