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Featured Image Not Showing on Published Post in Live Site

  • Hi Support,

    I sent a request for help regarding the issue I have with the feature image not showing in my published post. I’m wondering if you received it.

    Please let me know.

    Kind regards,

  • Hi there,

    Your original topic was answered within one hour but we never received a response from you that our suggestion did not work:

    Your other topic was just answered as well:

    I didn’t catch your CSS mistake (that CSS is not something we would provide) as your first topic indicated that it’s an editor issue so I thought it would be a WordPress issue.

    Please respond to the original topic in the future if our suggestion doesn’t work so we can provide other things to try.

    Thanks for your understanding 🙂

  • Hi Leo,
    Thank you for responding back. Yes, I did see your response a while back but for some reason I wasn’t able to find it again in my email.

    Thank you providing the first link here and my response is:

    Can you disable all plugins except GP Premium to eliminate conflicts from elsewhere? I DISABLED ALL MY PLUGINS EXCEPT FOR THE SEO ONE. THE ISSUE IS THERE.

    If that doesn’t help, activate a Twenty series WP theme to see if the issue still occurs. I ALSO ACTIVATED A TWENTY SERIES WP THEME AND THE ISSUE STILL OCCURRED.

    My apologies too, Leo, I thought the issue was just in the editor. After some days later, I went into the live site, and realized I could only see the featured image in the blog roll and not in the content itself.

    Also, I’m just a little stress… my little sister has cancer and not doing well.

    Yes, I understand I will definitely respond to the original topic in the future. I’m making sure I don’t lose this email you sent me. I tried to bring it up on your site but didn’t know where to go. I’m sorry!

    Thank you also for the link from Ying… I’ll respond to her now and copy and paste the CSS code. I’ll get back to you.

    Kind regards,

  • Hi Leo,

    Ahhh, ok, I removed that CSS code and now I can see my featured image in the actual content of the live site.

    I was given that CSS code from a senior member of my training platform to remove duplicate featured images which I was experiencing earlier and had asked the question in my platform.

    Yea… I’m a happy camper. Thank you for your patience and for helping me.

    I will now mark this topic as resolved. I’ll let Ying know as well.

    Thank you! Have a blessed rest of the week.

    Kind regards,

  • No problem 🙂

    Best wishes for your little sister!

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