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How to Customize Post Cover Images and Titles in Newsroom

  • Hello,

    Below are some questions about how to customize the cover images and titles of posts in Newsroom.
    I have tried searching the forum, but I couldn’t find any answers.


    1) Are there recommended dimensions for the cover images of posts in Newsroom?

    2) How can I adjust the position and size of the rectangular area where the post title appears?

    3) Is it possible to place the title below the cover image, before the article text?
    3.1) Specifically, is it possible to do this for mobile smartphone views?

    4) Currently, on smartphones, when I view a post, it resizes the cover image to take 100% of the height and cuts off the width. How can I set it to resize the image to 100% of the width and adjust the height accordingly?

    5) How can I display the last modified date instead of the publication date, and prefix it with “last update”?

    Thank you.

  • Let’s deal with one question at a time. If you have multiple questions in the future, it’s better to open multiple topics, one question per topic is preferable and can be the most efficient way to get the answers.

    1) Are there recommended dimensions for the cover images of posts in Newsroom?

    When you say cover images, which images are you referring to? Do you mean the featured image of the posts? if so, the original template uses images with a 1240px width.

  • Ok, let’s focus on the featured images.

    Recommended width: 1240px

    Is there a recommended width-to-height ratio?

    And how can I set this ratio for desktop and mobile display?

  • In this template, the single post featured image aspect ratio is 1300 / 479, but the image ratio on home page is 35 / 26, and the image ratio on the archives is 403 / 250.

    So I don’t think there’s a single preferred aspect ration recommendation here.

    And how can I set this ratio for desktop and mobile display?

    All the images are background image, ratio doesn’t really matters as they will fill the entire container by default.

  • Hi,
    thank you for the information on the image ratios for the template.

    For desktop display, I achieved the desired effect by setting the height to 720px in the Sizing section of the block.

    However, I’m not sure what to set for mobile: how do I make the featured image display at 100% of its width on smartphones (making it occupy all the available space in width) and resize the height so that it maintains the original proportions of the image?

    Thank you for the help.

  • Hi there,

    i believe this is being covered in this topic:

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