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How to Manually Select Posts to Display on the Newsroom Site Homepage

  • You’re welcome

  • OK, I am just getting started and have spent two days trying to figure my home page on the NEWSROOM template that I imported.

    I am trying to set the category posts for each of the templates default sections….the “Latest Feed” is the newest posts which is perfect.

    The other sections I see are mainly for the posts from the different categories. I have been watching videos and reading docs but still can not figure out how to set the block section for a category.

    For example the block on the home page for “Entertainment” shows the latest posts to the entertainment category….where is this set specifically?

    I have 7 categories on my new blog. I like the block layouts and would like to copy and add a few to the home page for my categories….but when I do that the block shows the copied category obviously, and I would like to change that parameter. WHERE? I can not find it?

  • Hi there,

    I believe this article should help:

    Please open a new topic if you need further help with this.


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