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Post Editor styling changed after updating to GB 1.9 and GB Pro 1.7

  • Hi,

    since updating to GB 1.9 and GB Pro 1.7 all my stylings have disappeared from the WP post edit screens in the backend. On the front end the styling remains the same. When I revert GB back to the previous version, the styling in the backend is fine again. How can I upgrade without GB altering my backend editor stylings?

    Before update:

    After update:

    Best regards,

  • Hi there,

    is it possible to see the site ?

    And was it just a GB update ? Or was there a WP update too when this happens ?

  • Sure, the website is:

    But as mentioned the frontend is fine. The issue is with the backend editor styling.

    Do you need admin access?

    Just with the GB update. When I revert back to the previous version the styling is back again.

  • In case you need admin access, I’ve added the login credentional in the private field below.

  • Is it possible to get Admin rights on that login ?

  • Yes, in that case please login at the dev site: with the same login credentials.

  • So if i de-activate GenerateBlocks and GB Pro will the editor styles show correctly ?

  • That’s right, ofcourse the layout would then also be messed up on the few pages where GB is used (like: Pages > Het Platform). Alternatively you could install the previous version of GB to see how the styling should look.

  • Just so i can see whats different – can i temporarily deactivate them ?

  • Sure, no problem.

  • I checked the page Het platform, the backend looks normal to me.

    The GB containers have a max-widthset to 70ch, and it looks right to me in the editor.

    The 1st paragraph is also set to 70ch with CSS from the micro theme, so on front end, it shows the same width as the GB containers.

    Any other page I should be checking?

  • It’s not the max-width that’s changed, but most noticeably the font-family, font-size, line-height and perhaps other CSS stylings. And on all pages, not exclusively Het Platform. If you deactivate GB I’m sure you can easily spot the differences.

    You mentioned Micro Themer, could it be that GB with some kind of CSS reset is overwriting the styles that MT outputs in the post editor?

  • I checked the editor, and when GB is enabled, your theme’s style (font-family) disappears, it only loads the WP default font-family in the editor.

    GB disable:
    GB enable:

    As you can see GB does not add any CSS to override or interfere with the font-family, it’s just your theme’s CSS is gone.

    Can you try disabling all cache/performance plugins with GB enabled to test?

  • realityblurred

    This exact same thing—the styling disappearing from the editor with GB 1.9—has happened to me on a site with the Trellis framework. I’ve verified it’s not a cache issue.

    Why would GeneratePress cause the theme’s CSS to disappear from the editor? I’m confused about why this would be a theme CSS issue if GenerateBlocks 1.8.3 works fine, but 1.9.0 does not.

  • Hello Ying,

    I don’t have any caching plugin active on the site. I doubt it has something to do with caching anyway. As I stated earlier, when I revert back to the previous GB version the styling is fine. Which leads me to believe it has something to do with the recent GB update.

  • This is peculiar as GB is not interfering with the process here.
    What i see is the absence of block editor wrapper styles of the theme being loaded, or loaded before the WP blocks reset styles.

    Would you be able to confirm if the Dev sites server settings are the same as the live site ?
    Reasoning – if i go to Dashboard > Tools -> Site Health –> Info and check the Server settings i see:

    PHP max input variables	1000
    PHP time limit	90
    PHP memory limit	256M
    Max input time	90
    Upload max filesize	16M
    PHP post max size	32M

    Which are “ok” but on the very low end of a server running that amount of plugins.
    And it may be a case of the GB 1.9 update is carrying a little more baggage which is just enough to tip the servers PHP memory over the edge.

    For reference my base install settings are:

    PHP max input variables	4000
    PHP time limit	1200
    PHP memory limit	512M
    Max input time	600
    Upload max filesize	300M
    PHP post max size	1000M
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